Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Standard Poodle

General Description

(Caniche, Barbone, Chien Canne) The Standard Poodle exudes an aura of elegance, intelligence, and pride. This breed has the appearance of an active dog. Their bodies are squarely built, and properly proportioned. They have a fairly broad, deep chest with well-sprung ribs, and their loin is stout, broad, and well-muscled. Their shoulders are strong and smoothly muscled, with the blades properly set back. Their forelegs are straight and parallel when viewed from the front. Feet of this breed are comparatively small, oval-shaped, and feature a set of well-arched toes. Their neck is sturdy, well-proportioned, and long enough to allow for prideful head carriage. The skull of the Standard Poodle is moderately rounded, and the stop is slightly visible. The breed’s muzzle is long, straight, and fine, and their eyes are oval-shaped, far-set, and dark in color. Their ears hang close to their head. The coat of the Standard Poodle is groomed in one of three basic styles. The first style, the “pet clip”, results in comparatively short hair across the dog’s body. The second style, the “English saddle clip”, results in the face being clipped and the throat, forelegs, and tail base being shaved. The third style, the “Continental clip”, results in the rear half of the dog’s body being shaved. In this style, bracelets are left around the ankles and pom-poms are left on the tail and hips. There are other styles of clips for the Standard Poodle, but they are not acceptable in the show ring.
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Standard poodles come in all colors but only solid colors are acceptable in the show ring in the UK. The main colors are Apricot, Red, Chocolate, Cafe au laite (which is a lighter brown), Black, Gray, White, and Blue. Poodles also come in Multi-Color. The Standard Poodle has very expressive eyes that should be slightly almond shaped and a deep chocolate color. The nose should be black. However, the exception to this rule is the Apricot poodle; which can have amber eyes and a liver colored nose. This is acceptable in the show ring, though it isn't preferred.


The Stadard Poodle is refined, elegant, and dignified. The breed is naturally kind, even-tempered, and sensitive. They are highly intelligent and very easy to train. This breed needs to be in the company of people, and they can’t stand to be alone for extensive periods of time. They are good with children and generally friendly towards strangers. They can make decent guard dogs and they can be trained to hunt. The larger variety of Standard Poodle tends to be calmer than the smaller varieties.

The Standard Poodle is a very bouncy breed, they love to play and may accidental injure small cats. This breed was originally bred for hunting and may occasionally pick up or chew dead animals. Poodles enjoy water and may jump unexpectedly jump in a nearby pond or lake. This breed is full of personality and charisma. They will love everyone and everything, though they may choose to bond especially closely with just one person.

General Health

Like many other large dog breeds, the Standard Poodle is prone to hip dysplasia. Other common concerns for the breed include cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy (which can cause blindness), allergies, and skin conditions. Runny eyes, ear infections, and bloat are also comparatively common. Less likely to occur is Von Willebrand’s Disease. Some Standard Poodles with brown coats may become prematurely gray. This breed typically lives for 12 to 15 years.

Another relatively common inherited disease in standards is Sebaceous Adenitis or SA. It is an inflammatory skin disease that leads to the destruction of the sebaceous glands and results in hair loss.


The Standard Poodle has been known throughout Western Europe for more than 400 years, but the breed’s exact origin is somewhat controversial. It is uncertain whether the breed was developed in Germany, Denmark, France, or the ancient Piedmont. While several other countries have claimed to be the founding place of the breed, France has gained official recognition as the Standard Poodle’s country of origin. The Poodle is descendant of a nearly extinct breed of French water dog called the Barbet. Many believe the Hungarian Water Hound also played a founding role in the breed’s development. The name “Poodle” likely comes from the German word “Pudel”, which translates to “one who plays in water”. Originally used as a gun dog and waterfowl retriever, the French eventually capitalized on the breed’s high intelligence, trainability, and showmanship and began using Standard Poodle as a circus performer. The breed is portrayed in paintings from the 15th century and bas-reliefs from the 1st century. During the 18th century, the Toy and Miniature Poodle varieties became royal favorites. These varieties developed after the Standard Poodle was bred down in size. All three sizes are considered to be the same breed, and all three sizes are judged by the same standard. While the Standard Poodle can learn or adapt to nearly any environment or work-related task, the majority of them are presently used as companions and show dogs.


The coat of the Standard Poodle requires a great deal of grooming and maintenance. The breed must be bathed on a regular basis, and the coat must be clipped every six to eight weeks. Ears should be inspected, and excess hair around the ears should be removed. Teeth of this breed need frequent scaling. This breed sheds little to no hair, and many believe they are a good choice of pet for allergy sufferers.

The Poodle is hypoallergenic. This breed, especially the standard size, has one of the most expensive grooming requirements of all breeds, whether the dog is shown professionally or not. Their hair is different than other breed and they do not shed. It will continue to grow if not trimmed. Their different skin and hair allow them to be nearly odor free. Most owners use a Greyhound Comb or a Slicker Brush to keep their Poodles from matting.

Ideal Environment

The Standard Poodle is content to live in a small household or apartment if it receives sufficient daily exercise. They are a comparatively inactive breed indoors, and they are happiest with at least a small-sized yard. While they don’t require a great deal of daily physical activity, they enjoy going for walks and playing a variety of games.

The Standard Poodle might not fare well in an apartment, unless they are sufficiently exercised. If under exercised, they may become anxious and bark at faint noises. Frequent trips to the dog park may be needed for young Poodles. If under exercised, a Poodle may become high strung, destructive, and find things to chew to keep them busy.

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