Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Pomeranian Dog

General Description

(Pom, Dwarf Spitz, Zwergspitz, Loulou) The Pomeranian is a compact toy dog with a short-backed build and an alert, intelligent expression. The breed is curious and buoyant, and every move they make is sound and coordinated. Their medium-boned body is slightly taller than it is long, and the length of their limbs is well in proportion to the rest of the frame. They have a short neck that is set well into the shoulders to permit a high head carriage. Their topline is level and their ribs are well-developed. The distinctive tail lies flat and straight against the back. Their moderately muscled shoulders are sufficiently set back to provide support to their neck and allow their head to be carried proudly. Their forelegs are straight and parallel to one another, and their compact feet are well-arched and turn neither in nor out. They have sturdy, straight pasterns and well-balanced hindquarters. Their rear is set well behind the base of their tail. Hocks of this breed are perpendicular to the ground and stifles are clearly defined and moderately bent. The head of the Pomeranian is in proportion to the rest of the dog’s body. The closed skull is slightly rounded on its top. Their small ears are carried erect, and their medium-sized eyes are bright, almond-shaped, and dark in color. They have a short, fine, straight muzzle and a black nose. Their teeth close in a scissors bite. The profuse coat of the Pomeranian is a distinctive characteristic. This double coat consists of a soft, dense undercoat and a long, straight, harsh outer coat. Hair is most abundant around the neck, shoulders, and chest, where it forms a frill. Coat colors for this breed include black and tan, brindle, parti-color, and a number of other shades.


The Pomeranian is intelligent, lively, and eager to learn. They are loyal to their owner and family, and they are very independent. They are bold, willful, and sometimes a bit temperamental. When raised with them from an early age, the Pomeranian usually gets along well with cats and other dogs. This breed has a tendency to be oblivious of its small size, and they will not hesitate to attack strange dogs that are much larger than they are. They have a propensity to be leery of strangers, and they will bark excessively at people they haven’t seen before. Proper training and socialization can help alleviate these traits. Unlike many other toy breeds, the Pomeranian is not clingy. They are alert, curious, and proud, and they are good at learning a variety of tricks. If spoiled or improperly trained, they will become demanding and willful. They aren’t recommended for young children, and too much attention can make these dogs become nervous. They get along well with older, considerate children. They are docile, even-tempered, and affectionate, and they appeal to many people who normally don’t care for toy dogs.

General Health

Some lines of the Pomeranian are prone to slipped stifle, dislocated patella, and heart problems. Other health concerns include skin problems and eye infections. Because the breed is susceptible to early tooth loss, they should be given dry food and small dog biscuits to keep their gums and teeth in healthy condition. Regular cleaning should also be given to these dogs by the veterinarian. Newborn Pomeranians are rather tiny and fragile. Small-sized females often have to deliver their pups by cesarean section. Elderly Pomeranians may become molted with bald spots. This breed typically lives for 15 years or longer.


The Pomeranian was developed in the Prussian region of Pomerania. The breed originally descended from the ancient northern Spitz breeds that were first brought to Europe in order to herd sheep. While the Pomeranian has since been bred down in size, the breed’s ancestors weighed up to thirty pounds. Famous owners of these dogs include Marie Antoinette, Emile Zola, and Mozart. Queen Victoria became a fancier of the breed, and in the late 1800’s, she actually established her own kennel for their breeding. Today, the Pomeranian is a coveted companion and beautiful show dog. Some of the breed’s natural talents include agility, trick performing, and watching.


The long-haired, double coat of the Pomeranian should be brushed frequently. The undercoat of this breed sheds once or twice per year. Eyes and ears should be cleaned on a daily basis, and teeth should be regularly checked by a veterinarian. This breed is a constant shedder.

Ideal Environment

The Pomeranian is well-suited to life in a small household or apartment. They are a comparatively active breed indoors, and they are content to live without a yard. Because of their long-haired coat, they should be kept inside in hot weather to avoid overheating. If given regular opportunities to run around in a small yard, the Pomeranian is capable of getting enough exercise on its own. They also enjoy going for long walks.

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