Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Pug Dog

General Description

(Carlin) (Mops) The Pug is a cute and commonly seen breed. The breed’s head is covered in wrinkles like a small version of a Shar Pei or Bulldog. Pugs have an extremely short muzzle which looks scrunched up and ends with a small black nose. Their cute faces and large, round eyes are often full of expressions. Small folded ears finish off their adorable, unique face. Despite their small size, the Pug has a broad neck with a dewlap that leads to a wide, square body. Pugs have short skinny legs and a curled tail that lies on its back. Short fur covers their entire small body. The most common fur colors are fawn and black, but they can also be silver or apricot.
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Pugs are mainly recognized by their tightly-curled tail, black wrinkly face and fawn/tan fur and small build.


Always sweet and cheerful is how the Pug is often described. Family is most important to these little dogs that thrive on attention. A gentle nature makes the Pug great for playing with children. Strangers and dogs will receive the same playful and loving attention a family member would. Plus, owners do not need to worry about Pugs around small animals. Intelligence makes them highly trainable but also independent and stubborn. Sensitivity to punishment makes it important to not yell at Pugs or to use a harsh voice when correcting the breed.

Pugs are natural clowns and are good with small children.

General Health

The Pug has some health problems mostly because of how they were bred. These problems include extreme breathing problems caused by their short muzzle and ulcers on the cornea and inflammation of the cornea caused by their eyes bulging. Other health problems are just genetic, including allergies. Also common are colds, eye weeping, and skin problems. Many Pugs find it hard to give birth naturally and need Cesarean Sections. Another important thing for owners to remember is that Pugs will easily over eat and become obese. Life expectancy for a Pug is between 12 to15 years.

On average, a Pug will live 12 to 15 years. Be aware of breathing problems. The flat, wrinkly face makes it hard for a Pug to breathe sometimes. Be sure not to overwork this breed if it has breathing problems.


Pugs probably developed in Asia around the 5th century BC. However, there are numerous alternative theories. What is assumed is that the breed ended up in England after British forces found the dogs in China during an attack. The breed was popular among artists, as a companion in monasteries, and as fashion accessories during the Victorian Era. When pugs finally arrived in Europe before the 16th century, they quickly became adopted as a favorite pet of the wealthy. In 1885, the Pug was finally recognized by the AKC.

The average life expectancy for this breed is 15 years


Grooming is simple and not time consuming for this little breed. Regular baths and brushing sessions are needed and the wrinkles on their face should be cleaned every day. Pugs are active and enjoy playing games and walking. However, they do get tired quickly and may start wheezing which means they are overexerted. This breed still should be exercised because they can become obese easily. Special care should be taken to prevent this breed from getting too cold or hot because they cannot withstand harsh climates. Pugs are more than moderate shedders year round, with a heavier shedding in the spring when living in four season climates. Bladed combs are best for controlling short top and undercoats.

They are moderate shedders year round even with proper grooming. It's best to clean the wrinkles on their face every other day to avoid infection.
Pugs have a coat that sheds heavily. The hairs are like small needles and find their way into clothes and carpets.

Ideal Environment

The Pug is a perky dog that gets along with all people and animals. Apartment living is fine for this breed because they are calm indoors and do not need a yard. Care should be taken before purchasing a Pug because of their numerous health concerns. A loving family with time to play and provide love is the Pug’s ideal home. However, Pugs cannot be in extreme hot or cold climates.

Pugs love to be with their owners and hate to be alone. They enjoy companionship with dogs. Most prefer sweaters when it's cold outside as they don't handle harsh weather that well. They can also be trained to eliminate on pads if the weather is too harsh.

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