Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

English Bulldog

General Description

(Bulldog) Although Bulldogs have comparatively small statures, they are stout, exceptionally sturdy, and widely built. They have muscular legs that are set squarely and contribute to the breed’s “waddle”. Their heads are thick and very large-sized with cheeks that reach the sides of their eyes. The Bulldog’s muzzle is short and pug and features a broad black nose with wide nostrils. Their upper lips are pendent and close over an undershot lower jaw. Bulldogs have round dark eyes that are set far apart and a pair of small, thin ears that are folded back. Their short tails are carried low. The coat of this breed exists in a number of colors including red, washed-out red, white, brindle, pale yellow, or fawn. Many coats of this breed are a mixture of several of the above colors.


Despite Bulldogs’ “grumpy” facial expression, they are one of the kindest and gentlest of all dog breeds. They seek human affection and are constantly striving for attention. Owners of this breed should make sure to devote time and energy to this breed so they don’t become lonely. Bulldogs make excellent family pets and they usually get along well with other pets, but they can become leery or feisty towards strange dogs. As puppies, Bulldogs are very vibrant and full of energy, but they mellow out and slow down as they become older. Bulldogs are known for their guarding abilities, but they do not attack people. This breed drools and snores very loudly.

General Health

Because of the Bulldog’s pug nose, he is susceptible to breathing problems. Some Bulldogs also have small windpipes. Poor eyesight is also a health concern for this breed. Bulldog puppies are often delivered by caesarian section because of their massive heads. Bulldogs are prone to flatulence that may offend some people. They also are more likely than most other dog breeds to develop skin infections or suffer from heat stroke. Bulldogs have a life span that varies, but the average is 13 years. This breed averages 4 to 5 puppies per litter.

The average life expectancy of a well bred Bulldog, from a top breeder, is 8 to 13 years. It's extremely important to monitor a Bulldog's heart and lungs according to age. A competent veterinarian will detect any problem early enough to treat the condition. General anesthesia is always a risk for bulldogs. Even more so as the dog ages. A careful pre-op screening is important to avoid any demise due to complications.
The English Bulldog may also suffer from joint problems due to its large bone structure. Ear infections may occur frequently and yeast infections may develop between the folds of skin. These areas should be cleaned regularly.


Bulldogs are descendants of the ancient Asiatic mastiff, but the breed’s development actually took place in Great Britain. The name “Bulldog” is medieval in origin and refers to the brawny build of the breed and the aggression and power with which the Bulldog originally attacked bulls in arenas. This combative practice was outlawed in the nineteenth century.

Although it is commonly said that Bulldogs were originally bred as bull-baiting dogs, this is actually untrue. Bulldogs have a much older history, dating from ancient, pre-Roman times in the British Isles. In a land that had no 'cowboys' to catch hogs and cattle, the farmer had to use the family 'catch dog' to secure the animal so the farmer could control it with a rope. Long after the breed was well established, the 'sport' of bull-baiting became popular and the breed became much more widely bred and used for this purpose. Baiting is a term for tethering an animal (usually bear or bull) to a post, and then attacking it with dogs (which later developed into the Old English bulldog, and then the current English Bulldog after the practice was outlawed). The Bulldog of old was much higher on the leg than modern bulldogs, and had a longer muzzle and a straight, 'pump-handle' tail. Modern Bulldogs are a much-modified version that would be incapable of fulfilling its original farm purpose as a catch-dog.


Bulldogs have a short-haired coat that is easy to groom and take care of. Combing and brushing with a firm bristle brush will assist with the shedding process. Bulldogs should be bathed only as necessary, and their faces should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth on a daily basis to clean inside their wrinkles. Bulldogs are average shedders.

It is very important to ensure that the nasal passages and ears are kept clean as well. Weekly grooming of these areas is important. Cleaning under a Bulldog's rope/fold should occur multiple times each week, and daily in many cases. It is a good idea to use a mild topical anti-microbial solution to clean these areas. Check with your vet for an appropriate solution. Also, due to Bulldogs being prone to skin irritations, check with your vet to determine bathing frequency. It is not uncommon to bathe a Bulldog monthly; bathing should be done with a very mild solution/shampoo such as HyLite - that contains little or no soap products. Additionally, it is important to keep the eyes clean. Thus, daily (or more frequent) cleaning is a good idea, especially since Bulldogs are prone to eye irritations such as Cherry Eye and/or entropion. Thorough cleansing of the chin and area around your Bulldog's lips/mouth after a meal is essential. This will prevent skin irritations (often reflected as red coloration) and spotting.
It is important that you clean the folds of the skin daily. If this precaution is not taken, the dog may be subject to painful infections in the skin. Make sure to use a warm rag with mild dog soap and get all dirt and oils out of skin folds, to ensure your bulldog an infection free life.

Ideal Environment

Some English Bulldogs enjoy exercising, but others would prefer to lie around the house all day long. Owners of this breed should encourage at least a bit of regular exercise to promote good health. Bulldogs are a good choice of pet for families with apartments or small households. This breed doesn’t need a yard. Bulldogs are sensitive to extreme climates.

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